The driving force that propelled Charlie Chaplin

In order to understand Charlie Chaplin we need to understand where he came from. Someone once told me, “none of us is new, we are all used, we come with experiences, with baggage.” Some of those experience are not pleasant to the conscious mind, but the subconscious has formed known associations and when we look around regardless of our success all we see is where we came from.

Below are three similar versions of Charlie Chaplin’s subconscious programming. We can all agree that that little child felt abandoned, in survival mode and needed an escape from the world around him.

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England. Charlie was thrown on his own resources before he reached the age of ten as the early death of his father and the subsequent illness of his mother made it necessary for Charlie and his brother, Sydney, to fend for themselves. Read Read more.

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. Chaplin's childhood in London was one of poverty and hardship. His father was absent and his mother struggled financially — he was sent to a workhouse twice before age nine. When he was 14, his mother was committed to a mental asylum. Read more.

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in a poor district of London, England. His mother, Hannah Hill Chaplin, a talented singer, actress, and piano player, spent most of her life in and out of mental hospitals; his father, Charles Spencer Chaplin Sr. was a fairly successful singer until he began drinking. After his parents separated, Charlie and his half-brother, Sidney, spent most of their childhood in orphanages, where they often went hungry and were beaten if they misbehaved. Read more.

Handwriting is motivated by the subconscious, it is an ideomotor response reflecting our behavior and personality traits. For the purpose of this blog I will keep the handwriting analysis very simple, we will discover how much of Charlie Chaplin’s childhood was carried into adulthood… Although there many samples of his handwriting on line, I chose the letter he had sent to his daughter Geraldine in 1965 when he was 75 years old. Best way to do a handwriting analysis is to not read the content and stick with the traits.

The most noticeable trait is the size of the letters: his position in life, opinion of himself. Letters are small, he was meticulous at work, could stay up all night to do the job, very polite even shy, conservative.

The emphasis of his handwriting is on the lower zone: subconscious thoughts, physical and material needs and his survival instincts, how will he survive. Right slant: need to talk about emotions. Spacing between letters: shows someone who’s very open minded, independent. Spacing between words: although not consistent, he kept space between himself and others. Spacing between lines: (I used a more suitable sample) wide space which shows someone that didn’t fit in, but maybe by 75 he felt more connected.

Upper loops: pointy, he was an over thinker in his day to day. Lower loops:  he wasn’t always open to others’ ideas. Form of handwriting angular: analytical, influenced internally, determined, self-driven, on a mission. Capitals: writer’s ego, how he wishes he appeared to others, his ego was in alignment with his behavior. Capital I, he was proud. Lower case t, he had incredible will and he was very self-protecting. Lower case i, he was critical of others and himself, not connected to how he felt about himself, very analytical, active imagination.

Beginning strokes: ascending left to right, he wasn’t a team player. Ending strokes: turning downwards, he was stubborn and negative. Connecting strokes: connected, going from though to thought without giving any details.

As a Hypnotherapist when I get a client’s handwriting sample the first thing I look for is their lower case m. Lower case m shows their suggestibility, how they receive information, I need that in order to speak to them in a way they can understand. Charlie Chapin received information through inference, he was affected from tone voice and body language, than what was actually said. That shows me that his mother was emotionally unavailable, and that she did not follow through with what she said, or something tragic happened between 1-8 years old and as a child he had to give meanings to information so he can understand them, sometimes those meanings were not in alignment with what was really going on. The second thing I will look for is their lower case y. Lower case y shows how they put out information. Charlie Chaplin was an E. That shows me that his father was not present or emotionally unavailable, which made Charlie Chaplin very emotionally protective, when something happened he will shut down emotionally and will withdraw for three days to process. His job came first, when work was doing well, everything was great. When work was not doing well, everything around him collapsed. His lower case y is over exaggerated which shows me that he was putting on an act of a very sociable person and in reality he will get people out often.

We can take any sample of Charlie Chaplin’s handwriting and the first traits our eye will catch are: internal conflicts, drive, and survival mode.

Charlie Chaplin was driven by survival. He was constantly making sure he will never end up where he came from. It’s kind of sad when you think about it, the thought that maybe no one really knew him and maybe he never really took a pause to realize how big he was.

Nansia Movidi C.Ht

Certified Hypnotherapist in Clinical Hypnosis NLP Practitioner - MER® Therapy Graphologist

Nansia Movidi